Freely you have received;
Freely give.
Highworth Community Church is an independent church that started life in 1981 as a part of the Charismatic House Church movement. We have a rich diversity of members from different denominations, streams and backgrounds, as well as many who are new to faith. We have a strong focus on unity with the other churches in our town, and this gives us a strong, broad and healthy spirituality, free to be shaped and built by Jesus.
We may be biased, but we think HCC is a wonderful local church and a family just like any other. We are all shapes, sizes, ages and abilities. We love to spend time together, laugh and learn together, and serve together. We are a church with a life full of God and a heart reaching out to people.
Being a part of the HCC family isn't a ‘one size fits all’ commitment. Whatever your situation and whatever the pressures and limitations on your time and energy, you can find the areas of church family life where you’re able to feel connected, use your gifting and press on, ‘ take hold of that for which Christ Jesus has taken hold of you.’ (Philippians 3:12)
We love that you've taken the time to check us out. If we can be of any help to you, or answer any of your questions, please contact